The Dictionary Of Photography

A True Historic Record Of The Art & Practice Of Photography 100 Years Ago.

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Bronzing. A peculiar metallic lustre seen on looking at the shadows of some prints at a certain angle. It only makes its appearance on paper sensitised in a very strong bath, and with negatives showing very bold contrast. It usually disappears in the fixing bath. If it should still show after fixing and drying, the use of a little Encaustic Paste (q.v.) will remove it.
Buckle Brush. A convenient little instrument, made by drawing a piece of silver wire bent in half through a piece of small glass tubing, a tuft of cotton-wool being caught in the arch of the wire ; the great advantage of this being that, when dirty, the cotton-wool can easily be replaced. It is convenient to turn one end of the tube out like the mouth of a cornet, as shown by fig. 16, as this shape gives firmness and stability to the tuft
Fig. 16.
of wool; a very easy matter to one who will study our remarks under Glass Working. A small piece of sponge is often more convenient than cotton-wool, and a piece of string than a wire.
Burned-in Photographs. See Enamel and Ceramic Pho-tographs.
Burnishing is the operation of drawing prints over the surface of a heated bar, the print being brushed over with a lubricator made by dissolving five grains of Castile soap in an ounce of methylated spirit. This should be rubbed over the face of the print with a piece of flannel, and allowed to dry before burnish-ing. The hot bar of burnisher should be just hot enough to be comfortably held in the hand. No stoppage must occur in the movement of the print whilst on the burnisher, or a line will be caused across the finished print. Should the bar of the bur-nisher become scratched at any time, it should be repolished